E-Agenda: Paperless Meeting System
Meeting Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006

spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic spacer graphic PALM BEACH COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD OPERATING BUDGET WORKSHOP MINUTES

Special Meeting/Workshop

  1. Call to Order: 3:25 p.m.
  2. Public Comments: None
  3. Operating Budget Workshop
    Minutes: Dr. Johnson opened the session and referenced a letter written by Broward County Superintendent, Frank Till, stating the $40 million budget shortfall in Broward County and reflected on similar issues Palm Beach County is facing.

    Mike Burke, Budget Director, summarized the General Fund Budget Breakdown of 2006-2007 Appropriation and reviewed the allocation to the following areas: schools; departments; county-wide; capital maintenance transfer; and contingency.

    Mr. Burke continued by reviewing the FY2007 General Fund Operating Budget, which included: Revenue; Appropriations; Shortfalls; Adjustment to the FY2007 Projected Budget; Increased Revenue; Decreased Revenue; and Next Steps to Balance the Budget.

    Mr. Burke entertained questions from Board Members regarding AAA Class Size Reduction Teachers.

    Board Members discussed the following topics: definition of inclusion; increase in legal department budget; reading first grants; K-2 Reading Program; flexibility in allocating funds due to charter district status; difference between reading coaches, reading specialists and reading recovery teachers; L1 students using certified teachers and L2 students using endorsed teachers; masters degree supplement; cost benefit analysis on specific modulars of staff development; Organizational Effectiveness positions; Safety and Learning Environment positions; dual language program; Survivors Charter School; and FEMA reimbursement.

    Mrs. Burdick requested the justification for the increase to the Legal Department budget.

    Dr. Robinson requested current data reflecting the number of certified and endorsed reading teachers to the District.

    Mrs. Burdick suggested hiring an additional grant writer position to research possible funding.

    Ms. Killets agreed to provide Board Members with a breakdown of federal and competitive grants.

  4. Adjourn: 4:30 p.m.


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